Public Qur’an Campaign is launching a series of interviews with international personalities, in which they will share their chosen verse of the Quran and how it impacted them. The interviews will be released on a regular basis on Public Qur’an Campaign’s YouTube channel throughout the month of Ramadan. Through this series, Public Qur’an Campaign seeks to bring the Qur’an and its inspiring message ever closer to the wider public across the world. Guests will include community leaders, broadcasters, campaigners from the US, the UK, and other parts of the world, for what promises to be a fascinating and insightful series.
Lauren Booth is the first guest to reveal her chosen verse!
Insha Allah, the series will kickstart on Wednesday 14th April 2021 with the release of Public Qur’an Campaign’s interview of Lauren Booth, the internationally-renowned broadcaster, activist, and author of the memoir ‘Finding Peace in the Holy Land’. We will keep it as a surprise until then which verse, or verses, she picked! Head over to Public Qur’an Campaign’s YouTube channel, subscribe, and turn the notifications on, to not miss it or the subsequent interviews!
PQC’s Director Lamaan Ball interviews guest Lauren Booth
YouTube: Public Quran Campaign
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Instagram: ThePublicQuranCampaign
Twitter: @PublicQuran